Saturday, December 15, 2007


As can be viewed from the community website:, diverse investment opportunities can be explored from the community. There are deposits of Silicon, which is used in glass making. The community prides itself as the best producers of cassava in the State, with Federal Government policy on the export of cassava, there is room for its large scale production. This can be a money-spinner for potential investors. Also, the production of grains such as millet, guinea corn provides investors the opportunity to set up flour mills.

Gaya in itself is historical, having a history dating well over a thousand years.
Gaya boasts of a rich history, having features such as:
(A.) The ancient wall which form a boundary around the city. It served as a protection against enemy’s attack. Remnant of the wall can still be seen in places such as kofar Chikaji.
(B.) The seven gates named after the early founders of Gaya.
(C.) Site of the first palace of the traditional ruler at Tsanwar Fada, now a gorge.
(D.) District “Head’s” palace now at Sindi Yamma.

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